Atul Lal


Operator placement on edge systems in stream processing

Utilized Raspberry Pi devices and Apache Flink to optimize edge offloading for stream processing systems, reducing latency and data traffic while maximizing resource efficiency in real-time data processing.

Date: January 2023 - June 2023
Categories:StreamingIoTOpen Source
Technologies:Apache FlinkJavaIoT

Scalable Distributed MD5 Hash Matching

A project that designs a distributed system for cracking 5-character passwords using MD5 hash matching. The system employs a web interface, a management service, and multiple worker nodes to enable scalable brute-force attacks. Users can add or remove worker nodes, improving efficiency and adaptability.

Date: August 2022 - December 2022
Categories:Distributed SystemComputer NetworksBackendFrontend

Exploring the Home Mortgage Market using Spark on Google Cloud

Predicting loan approval factors for home mortgages using the 2016-17 HMDA dataset. Identifying key influences such as gender, race, income, and property type, lenders can make data-driven decisions, and enhance profitability while assessing credit risk accurately.

Date: January 2023 - June 2023
Categories:Big DataMachine LearningCloud Computing
Technologies:Google Cloud PlatformSparkPythonJupyter

Video Compression using Deep Learning

Built a DNN based model which compressed video files using autoencoders.Compressed video matrix using vector decomposition, motion estimation and DNN based autoencoders.

Date: August 2019 - January 2020
Categories:Deep LearningArtificial Intelligence
Technologies:KerasPyTorchPythonComputer Vision

Multithreaded Borůvka's algorithm

Worked on solving minimum spanning tree of a graph using Boruvka’s algorithm in a multi-threaded environment. Tested the multi-threaded application on multiple high performance 200-core super computers to find bottlenecks and compare performance.

Date: June 2018 - August 2018
Categories:High Performance ComputingAlgorithms
Technologies:JavaData StructuresGraphAlgorithmsThreading

Tiny face detection in the wild

The project targets tiny face detection using a GAN to enhance low-resolution images, boosting detection accuracy on thermal images. Implemented with Keras, a deep learning framework.

Date: August 2018 - June 2019
Categories:Computer VisionDeep LearningArtificial Intelligence